Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! Well Andy started his new possion today so now he works from 7am to 7pm. Instead of 7pm to 7am and so far he likes it. This is different for me because I'm used to being in bed sleeping the day away. But now I'm up for the day and will go to bed at 10:30pm and not 6 or 7am! But I hope everyone has a safe but fun Halloween. I'm going to be babysitting my nephew's(my Daughter's brother's) today for a while. So I'm going to have fun with them... Stay safe!!!! On that note untill later bye bye..

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Well aohell is closing down the journals. I remember when they started I was a beta tester for them.... But that's all comming to an end soon. I'm very sad to see the journals go. But maybe I'll keep up with this one......